Awareness is living. To be aware is to notice stimuli, as from the senses or from thought. It is to see through illusion, whether sensory or cognitive, by noticing its presence. It is the core life experience behind thinking, playing, running, lovemaking, eating, sleeping.
Attention is focused awareness. I direct attention for a purpose; it is important to my survival and my goals. Like a flashlight beam, I will narrow in on a single thing or back out for a broader view - attention is useful. Awareness is experiencing the night when the flashlight is off, without imaginary fears or illusory anxieties, but simply accepting the dimness and sound as it happens. When I am simply aware, I am part of the night and have no need to manipulate it or dispel it.
Awareness happens correctly all by itself. It simply is - there is no manipulation or purpose: it is being. We add complexity when we begin doing things: this is normal and expected. To get lost in the complexity is not a requirement of doing, though. We can return to the simplicity of being at any time in the same way an artist can step back from his canvas at will for a new perspective. All of the meaning, interpretation and complexity we add to life is not inherent in reality itself, but rather consists simply of stokes we've painted atop our awareness.
Clarity is reality without concepts. What is, is. Health is clarity. Happiness is clarity, Serenity is clarity. To be only aware in the present moment is all this without the words.
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